Wednesday 19th July, 2006 20:50 Comments: 0
I was shopping at lunchtime. As I walked into the store I saw a man sitting there with one of those donation tins (made of plastic) and I felt a bit bad for not donating anything as I knew I had a load of change in my wallet, but it was a small change like 2p and 5p. My shopping trip cost me £6.05 and I had the extra 5p so I had four quid change. I decided to give £1.50 and the man gave me a leaflet - it turns out the information leaflet tells you about the local charity and has a suggested price of £1 so I felt a lot better. It kinda makes up for not sponsoring the girl at work for one of the fun runs (because I didn\'t know her). It\'s not often I sponsor or donate things, but I don\'t mind joining sweepstakes at work that\'ll make a donation.