BitTorrent 4.3.4
Wednesday 21st December, 2005 19:26 Comments: 0
Just noticed it's now out, the source isn't available from their site (boo, hiss, and possibly a violation of their own license), and there's no mention of it in the version history page. I wonder if they fixed the IPC code or went back to the control socket, and did they fix anything else while they were at it? My non-IPC version of 4.3.3 appears to be working perfectly, there haven't been any errors in the log file, and it's not crashed or played up at all. I'll probably stick with this one for a while. I noticed on their translations page that they talk about BitTorrent 4.4, so I presume that'll be the name of the next new stable version once they're happy with 4.3.