So Simple
Monday 5th December, 2005 19:54 Comments: 0
And yet so annoying. By default Windows Server 2003 will not automatically mount volumes. It's a simple registry setting change, or a simple command run at the command line, but by letting Windows automatically mount hard disks, you can add an existing hard disk and see the data (that page doesn't exactly make it clear). With AutoMount off you'll just see a RAW partition. If you delete the partition and format it (I tried on a spare disk) it'll AutoMount it for you though. Ah well, one problem down, one to go. Will have to wait until Wednesday for that, when the new RAID controller card arrives (the RAID 5 array keeps losing a disk at bootup, or tries to create an array of the same name with just the 1 disk, I think Channel 1 is faulty).