The Search Box Personality Test
Saturday 3rd September, 2005 15:08 Comments: 0
Okay, so I got this idea from another website, but I liked it: "The plethora of online tests purporting to uncover the inner most reaches of your psyche all have one thing in common. They're b******s. Go to your favourite search engine, click into the search box and press the down arrow key on your keyboard. You'll probably come up with a huge list of all the search terms you've entered over recent weeks and it's damn sight more revealing than "If you were a flavoured condom, what flavour would you be?"
Admittedly, it relies on AutoComplete being on, and I'm not sure how well it works on the minority browsers (although they all probably support it). Looks like I'm a geek that's addicted to TV. Who would have guessed?
Admittedly, it relies on AutoComplete being on, and I'm not sure how well it works on the minority browsers (although they all probably support it). Looks like I'm a geek that's addicted to TV. Who would have guessed?