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So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish
Saturday 1st January, 2005 16:38 Comments: 0
It's been 3 years since I started my diary (an idea I had when I was struggling to make it through my 2nd year at university, but started while I was at home with the parents). Back then I wondered what the difference between 2001 and 2002 would be, "Not much, I'd imagine" was my prediction, and in many ways I was right. In fact, it still holds even now. Despite learning lots of new things over the years, I don't really get to do anything I couldn't have done when I'd completed my GCSEs. I have an office job, so I managed to avoid going back into retail, but PC World's pay was probably no worse once you take into account commission.

I still listen to lots of music, but mostly the same things I listened to 3+ years ago. My hatred of the Foundations CA back then has been replaced by my love of the Foundation books by Isaac Asimov, that I'm now 5/7ths of the way through re-reading.

I still get the occasional cold and nosebleed, that hasn't changed over the years, and I still prefer to get up and stay up late. I probably watch more TV than I used to, especially compared to 2003 when Kev, Helen, Jackie, Caroline, Natalie, Jon and I would go out clubbing (mostly at Arena). Despite graduating so long ago, I'm still in touch with most people, although sometimes I can tell when the friendships are falling apart.

Back in January 2002 I regularly got called a star, something that I keep getting called at work, for my fast turnaround and attention to detail. I even got called a 'start' a few months back, which was apparently a typo for star, and not tart.

Valentines Day is six weeks away now, three years ago I went by myself to CinSoc to watch the repeat of Bridget Jones, meeting the presidents, one of which I later discovered was a friend of Katie (probably the most wonderful person I've ever met, it's a shame she lives so far away).

I know where Lynne lives, which is a step up from 3 years ago, but at least I was going over for coffee 2 years ago (while it's been over a year since I've seen her, after having to cancel going to Woking a couple times now, I might make it next weekend if I can). The strange friendship is still there, but we barely talk anymore as she's always busy. I still care about her a lot, but I won't be sending her a gift on Valentines Day. In fact, I doubt I'll be sending anyone a gift at this rate.

The only Valentines Day card I've had in the past 3 years was one from Liz, in sympathy more than anything, and I've now lost touch with her. Liz from Blue Peter has also moved on, I believe, I don't watch it as much as I used to. Or at all.

I'd forgotten Oceans Eleven was out 3 years ago, the sequel is out in the cinemas in a while.

My plant, Alice, is still doing well, and the real girl (who the plant is named after) is working in London now. I still haven't spoken to her, and I doubt I ever will.

Things I'd do differently? I wouldn't have helped Lynne so much with her work if I'd known it would have affected mine so much - at the time I still hoped we'd end up married and that would have made everything worth it. I wish I'd made more of an effort to let Chloe know how I felt about her in my final year at uni.

This isn't really a good place to end things, so I might post again later today. It's been a strange 3 years, and I've debated having this diary for a while. If I ditch it I'll be able to make the whole site XHTML compliant far more easily.
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