Friday 14th September, 2007 09:11 Comments: 1
I finally tried the 4.22SOC6 win32 build of nmap and noticed it was crashing when you try and run a Connect() scan. It turns out it wasn't just me. I'm actually quite surprised no one had noticed it sooner, as TCP Connect() scans are quite important. The developer mailing list is great for quickly diagnosing things and helping out other people, it's a nice little community.
Robert - Sunday 30th September, 2007 01:09
I compiled the latest SVN release (5916) and it works fine, so I'm quite happy now. Had to grab an SVN client, use Google to find the username to get read access to the repository, and then had to manually edit the vcproj files to replace the version number "8,00" with "7,10" so that I could compile it using Visual Studio .NET (it was either that or install the Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition, which I might do at some point, or perhaps buy Visual Studio 2005 - I'm tempted to go for MSDN Professional next year, instead of renewing my current subscriptions with Microsoft... which reminds me, I'll post about my TechNet card at some point)