The Big Move
Sunday 28th January, 2007 00:01 Comments: 2
You probably noticed that the site has moved server. It was fairly obvious because it took a number of days to move the contents of the database across to the new server, so the site looked pretty bare. Well it should all be up and running again now (aside from two tiny issues, most people will only spot the one - the SETI@home stats won't be updating anytime soon. I'm back, and if you've seen the number of posts I've just made, you'll see I'm back with a vengeance. And I can finally delete this temporary blog file I'd been keeping on my computer.
Fab - Sunday 28th January, 2007 11:04
Damn, the axe man is back with a vengeance!
Did that nasty company make you work over the Saturday?
Did that nasty company make you work over the Saturday?